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Best Psychology Teacher in Kolkata | Oishi Mazumder

Psychology Tutors and Classes
Posted 1 year ago

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Best Psychology Teacher in Kolkata | Oishi Mazumder

Psychology Tutors and Classes
Posted 1 year ago
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Oishi Mazumder is a highly qualified and 10-year-experienced psychology teacher in Kolkata. With a B.A. in Psychology with Honours, an M.A., and M.Sc. in Child and Adolescent Family Therapy, Oishi has a deep understanding of the subject.
Having taught students from WBCHSE, CBSE, ICSE, and NIOS Class XI and XII for over ten years, Oishi is well-versed in different teaching methods and techniques. She has been recognized as one of the best psychology teachers in Kolkata, thanks to her expertise in the subject and her ability to make classes engaging and informative.
Oishi's passion for psychology is evident in her classes, where she encourages students to ask questions and participate actively. Her goal is to help students develop a comprehensive understanding of the subject that can be applied in real-world scenarios.
Oishi is committed to creating a positive learning environment that encourages her students to ask questions, participate in class, and develop critical thinking skills. She believes that education should be a collaborative process between the teacher and the students, and she strives to create an inclusive and supportive classroom for all.
Overall, Oishi Mazumder is a highly qualified and experienced psychology teacher who has made a positive impact on the lives of her students.
Enroll Now- https://oishimazumder.in/
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Oishi Mazumder
Oishi Mazumder Registered for 1+ year Last online 9 months ago
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    Seller details Details

    Oishi Mazumder
    Oishi Mazumder
    1 active listings
    Private Seller
    Registered for 1+ year
    Last online 9 months ago
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    Listing location

    5, Swamivivekananda Road, Kolkata-700032, 700032, Baghajatin, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
    22.5414185, 88.3576912439

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    Best Psychology Teacher in Kolkata | Oishi Mazumder Best Psychology Teacher in Kolkata | Oishi Mazumder Best Psychology Teacher in Kolkata | Oishi Mazumder Best Psychology Teacher in Kolkata | Oishi Mazumder Best Psychology Teacher in Kolkata | Oishi Mazumder
    Check with seller Best Psychology Teacher in Kolkata | Oishi Mazumder by Oishi Mazumder
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